Friday, January 09, 2009

Let's Change that Due Date, Okay?

We only thought we were having a March baby. Due to my body's freakish ways with growing a baby, we anticipate a February baby. No, Ryder isn't oversized, but thanks for asking. I realize I am now the size of a small house. I prefer the term "cottage-proportioned". I really haven't gained much weight, a total of 15lbs so far. Sorry, back to the topic at hand.

With my placenta previa not wandering about like we'd hoped, the docs have decided it just isn't in the best interest of my health to allow me to enter my last month of pregnancy. There were vivid discussions of what could happen should I naturally enter labor and they all made it sound as if the prom scene in the movie Carrie was simply a small accident involving a sippy cup of cherry Kool-Aid. Hence the lovely photo with this posting.

Ryder is doing well, chilling out in utero and practicing his soccer kicks or grand jeté or bass drum pedal kicks (he likes variety). He's about 3.5lbs right now and has also learned to simultaenously elbow check me while kicking the opposite foot out. Talented, my boy.


Anonymous said...

Ryder is already larger than you were at birth! He'll be just fine and so will you. Stock up on your preemie onesies!! You can put him in shirts and pants that are too big but onesies that fit are nice. Please don't dress him in doll clothes. I'm really quite glad he's a boy 'cause I can just see you getting a big box of second hand American Girl clothing given to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm up here thinking of you with a bouncing baby boy next month! WOW! I'm so excited for you.

(F)redddy said...

Kim, she's already gotten second hand clothes to last her through puberty. Ryder's, not hers.